Welcome to Alexander Belousov, a teacher
of playing the button accordion (bayan) and accordion, a Methodists and
composer. Your may say: Playing the accordion is not actual now. It’s a pity,
if you think so. The TV program “A Minute of Fame” has made us doubts
such an opinion…
B.M. Yegorov: I have known A. Belousov for more 15 years as
a professional musician, educator and author of many interesting
composition for the button accordion…
A. Belousov’s selfless work and his contribution to the musical education
of children and young people deserve the praise and unanimous support
from the colleagues and culture authorities of all ranks… >>>>
V.A. Solovyov: “The author takes a great part in the expansion of
the accordion teacher repertoire…
The proof of a high level of A. Belousov’s works is the fact that as
a result of competitive selection his compositions (“Humoresque”
and “Small Fidget”) were included as compulsory program plays in
the All-Russia 2nd and 4th International
Competitions named after N.I. Beloborodov for Young Performers
on the button accordion (bayan) and accordion…” >>>>
V.V. Besfamilnov: “The Music of the sonata has very figurative
language. It is interesting both from the pedagogical point of
view, and from its artistic quality. It has a lot of different tricks,
invoices and harmonic language, fresh but melodious…
I think this play is of great for the replenishment of teaching and
learning repertoire…” >>>>
4. Белоусов А.Соната для готово-выборного баяна. – Тула, 2000. – 33 с. Belousov
A. Sonata for the button accordion (bayan).
5. Белоусов А. Музыкальные
зарисовки. Посвящения. Разнохарактерные пьесы и этюды для
баяна. – Тула, 2000. – 56 с.
Belousov A. Musical Sketches. Dedication. Diverse plays and sketches
for the accordion.
6. Белоусов А.Этюды для баяна. Педагогический репертуар
для младших классов ДМШ. – Тула, 2001. – 30 с.
Belousov A.Etudes for the button accordion (bayan). The repertoire for junior
classes of children’s music school…
9. Белоусов А. Маленький непоседа. Концертная пьеса в ритмах тарантеллы //
Обязательные пьесы для баяна и аккордеона. К Международному конкурсу
юных исполнителей на баяне и аккордеоне им. Н.И. Белобородова. – Тула, 2002. – С. 15 – 17, 40 – 48.
Belousov A. Small Fidget. Concert play in the rhythms of tarantella //
Required to play the button accordion (bayan) and accordion.
10. Белоусов А. Популярные мелодии в
обработке для баяна. – Тула, 2003. – 20 с.
Belousov A. The Arrangement of popular music for button accordion (bayan)…
12. Белоусов А. «Я играть всегда готов!»
Педагогический репертуар для младших классов ДМШ. – Тула, 2004. – 24 с.
BelousovA.“I am always ready to plat!” The repertoire for junior classes of children’s
music school…
Among the student of Alexander Belousov are participants, winners and
diploma international, interregional, town and regional competitions and festivals…
Photo album “Disciples”: content… >>>>
On this page you can find notes of the plays for accordion and button
accordion, written by Tula authors. Some of them are in a single copy only,
but really there are several masterpieces among them. We hope the Internet
will help us in popularizing the music heritage of Tula little-known composers…
For many years A. Belousov has been lucky to communicate with many very
interesting persons. This page is about of his colleagues, whose you can find
in our Musical works Gallery… >>>>
In their circles the musicians call “narodniki” those representatives of culture
who are associated with folk singing to musical instruments. Mainly, this page
is about the events of Tula accordion but there is always some room for any
information of “narodniki”… >>>>